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FERNANDES, Dudley Luis de T
Biographical Information
Born in West Derby, Lancashire in 1893.
THOMAS WEDDELL/died October 25 1862/aged 70 years/CAROLINE his widow/died May 29 1881 aged 77 years/EMILY MAUDE daughter of the above/and wife of T W D L FERNANDES/born June 10 1843 died May 12 1897/ROBERT WILLIAMSON/died November 27 1864/aged 58 years/THOMAS WILLIAM DAWSON LUIS FERNANDES/born at Wakefield August 29 1827/died at Scarborough April 9 1909/in loving memory of/DUDLEY LUIS DE T FERNANDES/2nd Lieut Bedfordshire Regiment/who was killed in action/at Ypres in Belgium/Oct 23 1914/aged 21 years/mentioned in a dispatch from/FM Sir JOHN FRENCH for gallant and/distinguished service in the field.