About Us
The Friends Group raises funds and promotes volunteering to improve the appearance of the cemetery and to develop its historical, environmental and educational potential.
There is a small committee, and a wider group of volunteers. We’re supported by local councillors and Scarborough Borough Council.
About Us
The Friends Group raises funds and promotes volunteering to improve the appearance of the cemetery and to develop its historical, environmental and educational potential.
There is a small committee, and a wider group of volunteers. We’re supported by local councillors and Scarborough Borough Council.
Brief History
When St Mary’s Churchyard and other burial grounds in Scarborough became overcrowded the Council bought a piece of land known as Chapman’s Field at a cost of £3000 and Dean Road Cemetery was opened with the first interment on 28 July 1857. The Cemetery then expanded into an area in Manor Road in July 1872. The very first burial in Dean Road Cemetery was of Francis Prince, publican of The Ship Inn, Falsgrave.
Whats On
The cemetery contains a wealth of local, national and international history, art and craftsmanship. You could download the Robin Trail and follow the clues with your family, from the dead house to the Secret Garden. Contact us to organise a guided walk, our volunteers are happy to help. Try a guided walk, or learn about the role of James Paul Moody, who went down with the Titanic.
Get Involved
Do you want to be involved? You could join in our monthly volunteer sessions, become a member, contact us and subscribe to our newsletter, make a donation or take part in activities in the cemetery. You could get involved in research projects that are more desk based. Alternatively, just explore the sights of the cemetery either on the website, or best of all, visiting it yourself.
We can offer guided walks through the cemetery and are happy to give talks to local community groups. We have an extensive range of leaflets and education packs available free of charge and can help you find the final resting place of a loved one. (see genealogy)
Brief History
The Friends Group raises funds and promotes volunteering to improve the appearance of the cemetery and to develop its historical, environmental and educational potential. There is a small committee, and a wider group of volunteers. We’re supported by local councillors and Scarborough Borough Council. Over the years we have completed many interesting projects that have enhanced and promoted our cemetery.
Whats On
The cemetery contains a wealth of local, national and international history, art and craftsmanship. You could download the Robin trail and follow the clues with your family, from the dead house to the Secret Garden. Contact us to organise a guided walk, our volunteers are happy to help. Try a guided walk, or learn about the role of James Paul Moody, who went down with the Titanic.
Get Involved
Do you want to be involved? You could join in our monthly volunteer sessions, become a member, contact us and subscribe to our newsletter, make a donation or take part in activities in the cemetery. You could get involved in research projects that are more desk based. Alternatively, just explore the sights of the cemetery either on the website, or best of all, visiting it yourself.
If you are unable to visit the cemetery, for a donation of £10.00, the Friends group will photograph the grave and surroundings, transcribe the inscription and send them to you by post or email. We regularly give talks to local community groups and can offer guided walks through the cemetery. We have an extensive range of leaflets and education packs based on the Cemetery available free of charge.
There have been many varied projects in the cemetery in recent years. An early and continuing project is the ‘The Garfield Road Wildlife Bed’, an 180m long once defunct bed in Dean Road cemetery. We restored the Dead House in Dean Road Cemetery and the Secret Garden in Manor Road. Over 1,500 volunteer hours helped make this project a success. Visit our projects page to see the wide range of projects over the years.
History Resources
Within the friends group there is a wealth of knowledge about the history of the cemetery and what can be found there. As part of our World War 1 in Dean Road and Manor Road Cemetery project, we have produced a guide to the graves of those people who died in the WW1 Bombardment. We have researched the lives of over 340 people who served in WW1 and are remembered in our cemetery.
We would love to help in your family history searches. We can help you look for the location of a grave and could send photographs of the grave and transcription of the stone by post or email. Contact us with as much detail as possible. We`d love to hear the story of the person you are looking for.
Childrens Activities
Children and families can have great fun following our ‘Robin Trail’. You will have to keep your eyes peeled though so you can answer the questions. Our education pack has been designed to link with Primary School National Curriculum (Key Stages 1 and 2). They can also be used by families for activities in the cemetery which enable young people to appreciate this wonderful open space.
There have been many varied projects in the cemetery in recent years. An early and continuing project is the ‘The Garfield Road Wildlife Bed’, an 180m long once defunct bed in Dean Road cemetery. We restored the Dead House in Dean Road Cemetery and the Secret Garden in Manor Road. Over 1,500 volunteer hours helped make this project a success. Visit our projects page to see the wide range of projects over the years.
History Resources
Within the friends group there is a wealth of knowledge about the history of the cemetery and what can be found there. As part of our World War 1 in Dean Road and Manor Road Cemetery project, we have produced a guide to the graves of those people who died in the WW1 Bombardment. We have researched the lives of over 340 people who served in WW1 and are remembered in our cemetery.
We would love to help in your family history searches. We can help you look for the location of a grave and could send photographs of the grave and transcription of the stone by post or email. Contact us with as much detail as possible. We`d love to hear the story of the person you are looking for.
Childrens Activities
Children and families can have great fun following our ‘Robin Trail’. You will have to keep your eyes peeled though so you can answer the questions. Our education pack has been designed to link with Primary School National Curriculum (Key Stages 1 and 2). They can also be used by families for activities in the cemetery which enable young people to appreciate this wonderful open space.
Contact Us Today!
Contact Us Today!
Friends Of Dean Road Cemetery Contact Details
If you have any question please use the contact form here, or email directly using the email address below.
Website: www.deanandmanorrdcemetery.co.uk
Email: [email protected]
Post: c/o 64 Raleigh Street, Scarborough YO12 7LQ