Heritage Fair
We had another very successful fair early in September, raising over £1,200 to support the chapel restoration project. The weather was kind to us and lots of people visited, thronging the stalls and enjoying the organ music, the poppy installation on the cross of sacrifice, and the sight of the horse drawn hearse going round the cemetery. The town crier kept everyone informed throughout the day and around 20 people went on a WW1 themed guided walk. Bernard’s and the Co-op Funeral Services raised money for us on the day, which helped to boost our takings considerably, and people brought along donations of books and bric-a-brac, adding to our huge stock and providing bargains for all our enthusiastic shoppers. Thank you to all our dedicated volunteers who made the event possible, and to local businesses, community organisations and individuals who brought their stalls and made it such an enjoyable and successful day.
Yorkshire In Bloom Success
We’re absolutely thrilled to have been awarded a platinum award in
the Yorkshire in Bloom Community Spaces judging. The judges were taken round the cemetery by volunteers, and were shown how the work of the Friends group has made a huge difference in the cemetery. The award rewards the hard work of our volunteers who come to our monthly volunteer sessions, picking up litter, cutting back undergrowth, pruning, and planting bulbs and shrubs, and our partnership with Scarborough Borough Council and Community Payback, which has transformed the headstones in Dean Road. Thank you to everyone who has joined in, as well as those unsung heroes who quietly pick up litter as they pass through the cemetery
If you have any, comments announcements or information you feel is suitable to add to this publication please submit it to: [email protected]
If you would like to contact us by post the address is – The Friends of Dean Road and Manor Road Cemetery c/o Parks and Countryside Services, Manor Road Nurseries, Manor Road, Scarborough YO12 7RY Or by telephone – Parks and Countryside Service 01723 374079
KEEP IN TOUCH – There are several ways to keep in touch with what we’re up to between newsletters. You can visit
our website for up to date news, www.scarboroughcemeteries.co.uk
Follow us on Twitter:- www.twitter.com/CemeteryFriends
or Facebook:- www.facebook.com/FriendsofDeanRdandManorRdCemetery
Funding for Paths
Councillor Eric Broadbent has again supported the Friends by recommending that we receive a £5,000 North Yorkshire County Council Locality Grant to resurface one of the roughest paths in Manor Road Cemetery, from the tunnel down towards the Secret Garden. This will make a big difference to people using the cemetery, particularly those with mobility issues. Scarborough Borough Council have agreed to top up the Grant to ensure that all the worst paths are resurfaced in this financial year. A big thank you to all
Chapel Update
The trustees of Dean Road Chapel Ltd have been working very hard to put together the Heritage Lottery Fund application, and it has now been submitted. A decision will be made in December, so fingers (and toes) crossed
for a positive outcome. We’ll keep you posted.
Get Involved
If you’d like to get involved with gardening and litter picking, or are interested in helping with fundraising or researching some of the stories of people buried in the cemetery, please either turn up on the first Sunday
of the month at 10.00 am at the Dead House, or contact us through our
email address. We need your help to keep making a difference and you’ll be
made very welcome. [email protected]
Rotary Fair
Our stall in the town centre in August raised over £300, which we were very
pleased with. This money will be used to buy bulbs to make the spring display even more fantastic, and we’ve worn out some litter pickers so will need to buy a few more.
Sam and Jenny at Rowan Tree Garden Design are pleased to
sponsor this newsletter for 2018. If you are thinking of
revamping your garden give them a call on 01723 350016 or
07900 457836, or visit their website www.rowantreegardens.co.uk.

Heritage Fair
We had another very successful fair early in September, raising over £1,200 to support the chapel restoration project. The weather was kind to us and lots of people visited, thronging the stalls and enjoying the organ music, the poppy installation on the cross of sacrifice, and the sight of the horse drawn hearse going round the cemetery. The town crier kept everyone informed throughout the day and around 20 people went on a WW1 themed guided walk. Bernard’s and the Co-op Funeral Services raised money for us on the day, which helped to boost our takings considerably, and people brought along donations of books and bric-a-brac, adding to our huge stock and providing bargains for all our enthusiastic shoppers. Thank you to all our dedicated volunteers who made the event possible, and to local businesses, community organisations and individuals who brought their stalls and made it such an enjoyable and successful day.
Yorkshire In Bloom Success
We’re absolutely thrilled to have been awarded a platinum award in
the Yorkshire in Bloom Community Spaces judging. The judges were taken round the cemetery by volunteers, and were shown how the work of the Friends group has made a huge difference in the cemetery. The award rewards the hard work of our volunteers who come to our monthly volunteer sessions, picking up litter, cutting back undergrowth, pruning, and planting bulbs and shrubs, and our partnership with Scarborough Borough Council and Community Payback, which has transformed the headstones in Dean Road. Thank you to everyone who has joined in, as well as those unsung heroes who quietly pick up litter as they pass through the cemetery
If you have any, comments announcements or information you feel is suitable to add to this publication please submit it to: [email protected]
If you would like to contact us by post the address is – The Friends of Dean Road and Manor Road Cemetery c/o Parks and Countryside Services, Manor Road Nurseries, Manor Road, Scarborough YO12 7RY Or by telephone – Parks and Countryside Service 01723 374079
KEEP IN TOUCH – There are several ways to keep in touch with what we’re up to between newsletters. You can visit
our website for up to date news, www.scarboroughcemeteries.co.uk
Follow us on Twitter:- www.twitter.com/CemeteryFriends
or Facebook:- www.facebook.com/FriendsofDeanRdandManorRdCemetery
Funding for Paths
Councillor Eric Broadbent has again supported the Friends by recommending that we receive a £5,000 North Yorkshire County Council Locality Grant to resurface one of the roughest paths in Manor Road Cemetery, from the tunnel down towards the Secret Garden. This will make a big difference to people using the cemetery, particularly those with mobility issues. Scarborough Borough Council have agreed to top up the Grant to ensure that all the worst paths are resurfaced in this financial year. A big thank you to all
Chapel Update
The trustees of Dean Road Chapel Ltd have been working very hard to put together the Heritage Lottery Fund application, and it has now been submitted. A decision will be made in December, so fingers (and toes) crossed
for a positive outcome. We’ll keep you posted.
Get Involved
If you’d like to get involved with gardening and litter picking, or are interested in helping with fundraising or researching some of the stories of people buried in the cemetery, please either turn up on the first Sunday
of the month at 10.00 am at the Dead House, or contact us through our
email address. We need your help to keep making a difference and you’ll be
made very welcome.
Rotary Fair
Our stall in the town centre in August raised over £300, which we were very
pleased with. This money will be used to buy bulbs to make the spring display even more fantastic, and we’ve worn out some litter pickers so will need to buy a few more.
Sam and Jenny at Rowan Tree Garden Design are pleased to sponsor this newsletter for 2018. If you are thinking of revamping your garden give them a call on 01723 350016 or 07900 457836, or visit their website www.rowantreegardens.co.uk.